Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Graphic + Profile Picture

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
"Why so serious?"

Well yeah anyways, I haven't posted in a while but that was because I was busy working on Melange Magazine and I'm almost done. I still have to do about 2-3 graphics.

However, I made a new graphic (also used it as profile picture) and I believe it's the best I have ever done. It might not be perfect and you might even not like it but yeah. It's my favorite (probably because I'm obsessed with The Joker).

My medoll as Harley Quinn and that's Heath Ledger ad the Joker behind her. Idk ... I'm really satisfied with it. And I would really like to know what you think.

Leave feedback in the comments section.
Thank you!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

FAME Magazine Spoiler

So I was working for the past few months on the next Issue of FAME Magazine. I have finished it but I will publish it during Rabbia Fashion Week.

Here is the spoiler I did for FAME Magazine:

click to enlarge

Well, as you can see, part of this graphic I have used for my shitty blog header. I'm going to change it soon. Right now I'm quite busy with Melange Magazine which I want to release till the end of the month.

Also, the spoiler I published for FAME was edited by Lily -thanks Lil :3-

I have been working on it since December 2011 and it's not yet finished D: But yeah, I don't have that much left to do. I also have to make a new spoiler ...

But yeah ... Leave feedback please.
Thank you!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Graphics I have done recently

Well yeah, as I have said earlier, I'll post a few of my graphics here, in one post. Leave feedback please.

So here is my very first EVER graphic:

It's not that much of a graphic as I only did the hair and I'm aware that it looks completely awful. But I did without a tablet so that can be considered as an excuse.

Moving on to the next one:

This hair was also done a long while ago and I used the hair and head for my current blogger profile picture. For some reason I can't post it here so yeah, check my profile to see it.

Moving to the next ones, which are sketches made with the tablet:

The first one is just a sketch and the next two ones are color sketches of the famous Versace Platforms. Yeah, I was rushing so they didn't turn out quite good but I like them anyway. What do you think?

Leave feedback in the comments section below.

EDIT: I'll post more graphics after I'm done with the Magazines.

Welcome to my Graphics Blog!

Well hello there. A little introduction about myself: I'm Harley Quinn also known as Doggy_Starpuppy on Stardoll. I've been doing Graphic Designs since early 2011 and I was not so good at them. However, (in my opinion) I improved a lot.

I had a few projects I'm involved into at the moment and you can check the 'Projects' page for more details.
I created this blog to see how my graphic designing skills improve. I have already made "a few" graphics (which means quite a lot) and I'm gonna post them all in one post just to make things easier.

Also, I know that the current headers looks crappy but I didn't have time to make a normal one so here you go. Anyways I'm gonna change it soon.

Now, a little bit more about my graphics: I will probably be doing graphic requests but later because now I'm busy with FAME Magazine and Melange Magazine. FAME is going to be released at the end of this month but Melange will have to wait as I'm going to release it in late 2012.

Well yeah, that's kind of like all for now. Have fun here and on Stardoll.
~ Harley.